Astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored

TUC Cymru mewn partneriaeth â’r Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru

Dysgwch sut y gall astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored weithio i chi ac edrychwch drwy’r cyrsiau a’r cymwysterau a argymhellir gennym.

Mathau o astudiaethau sydd ar gael i chi

Cyrsiau a chymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored

Cyflawnwch eich uchelgeisiau. Beth bynnag yr hoffech ei gyflawni, gall Y Brifysgol Agored eich helpu i wneud hynny. Nid oes angen unrhyw gymwysterau blaenorol arnoch i astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored a gallwch fagu hyder gyda modiwl Mynediad wrth i chi weithio tuag at y prif gymhwyster rydych yn anelu ato. 

Uwchsgilio gyda microgymhwyster

Mae’r cyrsiau byr datblygu proffesiynol hyn wedi’u cynllunio i’ch helpu i uwchsgilio’n gyflym a chamu ymlaen. Gallwch ddatblygu sgiliau arbenigol mewn cyn lleied â 10-12 wythnos gyda dysgu ar-lein hyblyg

Dysgu ar-lein am ddim

Mae gwefan dysgu ar-lein Y Brifysgol Agored, OpenLearn, yn cynnig dros 10,000 o oriau o ddysgu am ddim. Gallwch ddod o hyd i erthyglau, fideos a gemau yn ogystal â chyrsiau ar-lein a ysgrifennwyd gan arbenigwyr ar ystod enfawr o bynciau. Gallwch ddysgu ar gyflymder sy’n addas i chi, olrhain eich cynnydd ac ennill bathodynnau a thystysgrifau digidol.  

Pori drwy gyrsiau a chymwysterau

Mae llawer o gymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored yn helpu i’ch paratoi i symud o un cam i’r nesaf. Maent hefyd yn werthfawr yn eu rhinwedd eu hunain. Gallwch ddechrau gyda thystysgrif ac yna roi’r gorau iddi. Neu gallech barhau gyda’ch astudiaethau i ennill diploma ac yna radd.

Maent yn cyd-fynd yn berffaith â dysgu undebau a gall Cronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF) eich cefnogi i astudio microgymwysterau, cyrsiau byr a modiwlau Mynediad.

Terminoleg y cwrs


OpenLearn yw llwyfan dysgu am ddim Y Brifysgol Agored, gan roi addysg am ddim i bawb fel rhan o’n cylch gwaith cymdeithasol. Rydym yn falch o ddweud ei fod yn cyrraedd dros 10 miliwn o ddysgwyr bob blwyddyn. P’un a oes angen help arnoch gyda mathemateg, Cymraeg neu Saesneg, camu ymlaen yn eich gyrfa neu reoli eich arian, gallwn eich helpu. Dechreuwch ar raddfa fach a datblygwch eich gwybodaeth a’ch portffolio

Ewch i wefan OpenLearn.


Gallwch ddatblygu sgiliau arbenigol mewn cyn lleied â 10-12 wythnos gyda dysgu ar-lein hyblyg. Mae microgymwysterau yn cynnig y cydbwysedd perffaith rhwng rhagoriaeth academaidd a pherthnasedd i’r gweithle.

Drwy astudio 10-13 awr yr wythnos, gallwch ddatblygu:

  • Y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf mewn pwnc arbenigol, wedi’i llywio gan academyddion o safon fyd-eang
  • Sgiliau ymarferol y gallwch eu cymhwyso i’ch gwaith ar unwaith neu eu defnyddio i ategu eich CV
  • Credydau israddedig neu ôl-raddedig y gallech eu defnyddio yn y dyfodol tuag at astudio ymhellach drwy gyfrif microgymwysterau tuag at gymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored.

Gallwch ddechrau eich dysgu ym mis Mawrth, Mehefin/Gorffennaf neu Hydref. Gellir ariannu’r cyrsiau hyn drwy Gronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF) .

Cyrsiau byr

Dim ond ychydig o oriau’r wythnos sydd eu hangen arnoch i astudio cwrs byr gyda’r Brifysgol Agored. Gallwch ddewis o amrywiaeth o bynciau a all eich helpu i ddatblygu set sgiliau newydd, darganfod diddordeb newydd neu roi hwb i’ch gyrfa drwy ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus. Gellir ariannu’r cyrsiau hyn drwy Gronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF).

Gweld mwy am gyrsiau byr.


Mae modiwlau yn cyfrif tuag at gymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored.

Gan fod cymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored yn seiliedig ar fodiwlau, gallai’r credydau o fodiwl israddedig gyfrif tuag at dystysgrif addysg uwch, diploma addysg uwch, gradd sylfaen neu radd anrhydedd.

Mae’n dda i chi os ydych am gwblhau uned astudio hunangynhwysol heb ymrwymo i gymhwyster. Bydd gan bob modiwl 30 neu 60 o gredydau, lefel 1 – 3 (NQF Lefel 4 – 6).

Fel arfer, bydd yn cymryd rhwng 6 a 9 mis i gwblhau modiwlau yn rhan-amser.

Gweler mwy am fodiwlau.

Modiwlau Mynediad

Mae gennym bedwar modiwl Mynediad, a gaiff eu galw’n gyrsiau Mynediad weithiau, sy’n cynnig y cyflwyniad perffaith i ddysgu o bell ac astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored. Cewch drosolwg bras o’r pwnc sydd o ddiddordeb i chi a gallwch loywi eich sgiliau dysgu a datblygu eich hunanhyder. Gallech hyd yn oed astudio cwrs Mynediad am ddim, neu gallai gael ei ariannu drwy Gronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF).

Mae’n dda i chi os ydych am wella eich hyder a pharatoi i astudio. Mae pob cwrs yn werth 30 o gredydau (L0/NFQ lefel 3). Fel arfer, caiff ein modiwlau Mynediad eu cynnal am 30 wythnos yn rhan-amser, ond mae opsiynau cwrs carlam ar gael. Ewch i wefan Y Brifysgol Agored am fanylion.

Gweler mwy am fodiwlau Mynediad.

Tystysgrifau'r Brifysgol Agored

Mae’n dda i chi os ydych am ganolbwyntio ar broffesiwn neu faes pwnc penodol. Mae’r cymwysterau hyn yn unigryw i’r Brifysgol Agored.

Byddwch yn astudio dau fodiwl lefel 1 sy’n werth 30 o gredydau (60 o gredydau i gyd).

Fel arfer mae’n cymryd blwyddyn i astudio’n rhan-amser.

Gweler mwy am dystysgrifau’r Brifysgol Agored.

Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

Codwch eich hyder a chefnogwch newid gyrfa neu ddilyniant mewn gyrfa gyfredol. Arddangos eich gallu i astudio ar lefel prifysgol.

Mae’r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch yn gymhwyster a gydnabyddir yn genedlaethol yn ei rhinwedd ei hun, ac mae hefyd yn cyfateb i ddwy ran o dair gyntaf BSc neu BA (Anrhydedd). Mae’n cynnwys 120 o gredydau lefel 1 (120 i gyd).

Fel arfer mae’n cymryd blwyddyn amser llawn neu ddwy flynedd yn rhan-amser i’w chwblhau.

Gweler mwy am Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch.

Gradd Anrhydedd

Agorwch y drws i swyddi a chynlluniau graddedigion, cymwysterau ôl-raddedig a swyddi lefel uwch.

Mae tri cham i’n graddau, gyda 120 o gredydau ym mhob un. Er mwyn graddio, bydd angen i chi gwblhau 360 o gredydau i gyd.

Fel arfer mae’n cymryd tair blynedd amser llawn neu chwe blynedd yn rhan-amser i’w chwblhau.

Gweler mwy am raddau Anrhydedd.

Gradd Anrhydedd

Agorwch y drws i swyddi a chynlluniau graddedigion, cymwysterau ôl-raddedig a swyddi lefel uwch.

Mae tri cham i’n graddau, gyda 120 o gredydau ym mhob un. Er mwyn graddio, bydd angen i chi gwblhau 360 o gredydau i gyd.

Fel arfer mae’n cymryd tair blynedd amser llawn neu chwe blynedd yn rhan-amser i’w chwblhau.

Gweler mwy am raddau Anrhydedd.

Cymwysterau Agored

Heb gyfyngiadau arbenigedd pwnc benodol, gallwch bennu cyfeiriad eich dysgu. Dewiswch o blith dros 250 o fodiwlau mewn 16 o feysydd pwnc er mwyn creu cymhwyster unigryw sy’n addas i’ch diddordebau ac a fydd yn eich helpu i sefyll allan yn y farchnad swyddi. Mae’r cymhwyster hwn yn cynnwys 120 o gredydau lefel 1, 120 o gredydau lefel 2 a 120 o gredydau lefel 3 (360 i gyd).

Gweler mwy am gymwysterau Agored.

Graddau Sylfaen

Mae’r cymhwyster hyblyg hwn yn eich galluogi i ddatblygu sgiliau dysgu gydol oes a fydd yn agor drysau i astudiaeth bellach a datblygiad gyrfa. Gallwch ddewis o amrywiaeth eang o fodiwlau diddorol mewn unrhyw bynciau yr hoffech, yn dibynnu ar eich diddordebau a’ch uchelgeisiau o ran gyrfa – gan gynnwys modiwlau sy’n gysylltiedig â gwaith i’ch helpu yn eich rôl bresennol a gwella eich cyflogadwyedd yn y dyfodol.

Gweler mwy am raddau Sylfaen.

Graddau meistr integredig

Mae’n dda i chi os ydych am astudio ar lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig. Mae hyn yn cyfuno astudiaethau israddedig ac ôl-raddedig a byddwch yn ennill 480 credyd. Yn nodweddiadol mae’n cymryd 8 mlynedd yn rhan-amser.

Gweler mwy am raddau meistr integredig.

Cyrsiau sydd ar gael i chi

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Please note WULF support is subject to eligibility and needs to be approved by union WULF project officers.


Arts and languages Access module

With this Access module you'll explore the broad, but related, areas of arts, humanities and language. Each subject is introduced and explained at a comfortable pace to develop, or refresh, your knowledge of topics including history, art history, English literature and English language studies.

You could be eligible to study an Access module for free, find out more on the OU website.

Study (Part-time)

30 Weeks

Credits gained

30 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF



Psychology, social science and wellbeing Access module

This Access module gives you the chance to dip into some of our most popular subjects, such as psychology, childhood and youth, early years, health and social wellbeing, sport, education, and social sciences. You'll be introduced to discussions of theory and engage with real-world events to build up your knowledge and understanding of these wide-ranging topics.

You could be eligible to study an Access module for free, find out more on the OU website.

Study (Part-time)

30 Weeks

Credits gained

30 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF



Science, technology and maths Access module

With a mix of theoretical study and some practical experiments, this Access module can help you build up skills for future study in STEM subjects, no matter where you're starting from. Each subject is introduced and explained at a comfortable pace to develop, or refresh, your knowledge of topics including science, engineering and design, environment, mathematics, and computing and IT.

You could be eligible to study an Access module for free, find out more on the OU website.

Study (Part-time)

30 Weeks

Credits gained

30 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF



Open degree

The Open degree allows you to bring together different areas of study in a completely flexible way to develop knowledge and skills. You have the freedom to combine modules from a wide range of subject areas and create a bespoke degree, diploma or certificate that fits your professional ambitions or personal interests.

Study (Part-time)

6 Years

Credits gained

360 Credits

Course cost



Degree in Health and Social Care

This degree provides you with a sound and critical understanding of health and social care policy, theory, and practice, which is essential in today's fast-changing care sector. Professionals at all levels need to be proactive and flexible to succeed, and through your studies you’ll gain the skills needed for effective practice in a diverse, multidisciplinary environment. 

Study (Part-time)

6 Years

Credits gained

360 Credits

Course cost



Making your learning count

Through a series of topics and assessment tasks, you will explore what you have learnt whilst developing the skills you need to be a successful student. The courses that you choose to study is up to you, making this learning experience an entirely personal one. 

Study (Part-time)

6-9 Months

Credits gained

30 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF



Career development and employability

Whatever your chosen career, this key introductory OU level 1 module will enable you to use your workplace as a context for learning, and develop your ability to apply your learning to improve your practice at work. You will also develop your critical thinking skills and increase your understanding of how to research workplace issues.

Study (Part-time)

6-9 Months

Credits gained

30 Credits

Course cost



An introduction to business and management

This key introductory OU level 1 module provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to business and management in a globalised world. Through readings and international case studies, you’ll explore a wide range of topics in contemporary business and management.

Study (Part-time)

6-9 Months

Credits gained

60 Credits

Course cost


Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE)

Business Management

This flexible qualification starts with you: where you are now, and where you want to be in the future. Taking a practical approach that’s grounded in your own experience, you’ll be introduced to the essentials of business and management, the context in which businesses and other organisations operate, and its common aims and characteristics. 

Study (Part-time)

2 Years

Credits gained

120 Credits

Course cost



Young children's play and creativity

This module focuses on understanding play and creativity in early childhood from different and diverse personal and professional perspectives. It considers how other children and adults impact on the play decisions and creative choices children make. 

Study (Part-time)

6-9 Months

Credits gained

60 Credits

Course cost



Environment: journeys through a changing world

This module introduces you to subjects from the natural sciences, social sciences and technology to develop your understanding of environmental issues and sustainability concerns. Our world is changing fast – we are experiencing pressure from climate change, growing demands for finite resources, impacts of pollution and waste, biodiversity loss and the extinction of many plants and animals.

Study (Part-time)

6-9 Months

Credits gained

60 Credits

Course cost



BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science

This degree explores the multiple disciplines needed to understand, manage and protect our planet. Assess environmental problems, propose solutions, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the natural environment. You’ll study topics, including conservation, ecology, ecosystems, environmental management and renewable energy. 

Study (Part-time)

6 Years

Credits gained

360 Credits

Course cost


Please note WULF support is subject to eligibility and needs to be approved by union WULF project officers.

Short course

Leadership in the digital world

In this course, we will explore selected aspects of leadership, including whether or not leadership has fundamentally changed in the digital era. We will suggest some specific ways of leading teams that help you focus ‘on doing the right things’. You will be encouraged to take an objective look at your own leadership effectiveness, and to build on all that you learn to define a development plan.

This is a non-credit bearing course.

Study (Part-time)

20 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF


Short course

Managing uncertainty through policy implementation

In this course you'll read case studies and watch videos that illustrate how societal challenges and policies will shape our future societies. You'll also have the opportunity to consider how policies and the broader macroenvironment affect your organisation, and you'll learn to use machine learning software to collect data and evidence.

Study (Part-time)

20 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF



Climate Change: Transforming your Organisation for Sustainability

This microcredential will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and courage to transform your organisation’s response to the climate and ecological crisis, whatever your level, role or sector, and wherever you are in the world.

Study (Part-time)

10 weeks

Credits gained

10 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF



Business Management: Project Management

This microcredential will introduce you to the core principles, tools, and techniques needed to lead, or successfully contribute to, projects that add value and deliver positive outcomes.

Study (Part-time)

10 weeks

Credits gained

10 Credits

Course cost


Support from WULF


Short course

Communication skills in the digital world

This course will take you through a range of the changes in the field of communication in our ever-evolving digital world. The course details a variety of communication tools and practical advice from both professionals and academics to help individuals in society and at work understand how to help shape communications strategically.

This is a non-credit bearing course.

Study (Part-time)

20 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF



Introduction to social care

Gain a solid introduction to social care and the role it plays in supporting the independence and wellbeing of those who receive care. Discover the essential skills needed to work in the sector and examine whether a career in social care is right for you. 

This is a non-credit bearing course. Certificate of completion (70% pass).

Study (Part-time)

48 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF



Business Management: People Management and Leadership

Designed by world-class academics from The Open University, with input from industry experts with diverse perspectives, this microcredential will introduce you to frameworks and ideas that will help you become an ethical and inclusive people manager and leader. 

Study (Part-time)

10 weeks

Credits gained

10 credits

Course cost


Support from WULF


Short course

Introduction to digital marketing

Whether you’re new to digital marketing or want to build on existing experience, this course will introduce you to the core principles and latest trends that will help you plan first-class, user-centric campaigns and guide you through the dynamic digital marketing landscape.

This is a non-credit bearing course. Certificate of completion (70% pass).

Study (Part-time)

24 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF



Cisco: Python Programming (OpenEDG)

This microcredential will help kick start your career in programming, whether you’re just starting out or already working as a digital technology professional. You’ll gain industry-recognised skills and enhance your employment and career progression opportunities.

Study (Part-time)

10 weeks

Credits gained

10 credits

Course cost


Support from WULF


Short course

Foundations of UK immigration law (OISC Level 1)

The course explores the skills and knowledge expected of an Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) Level 1 Immigration Adviser. It is suitable for those seeking to work as an OISC Level 1 Adviser and those seeking to expand their knowledge of the UK’s immigration system.

This is a non-credit bearing course.

Study (Part-time)

60 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF


Short course

Online counselling: getting started

Whether you’re a counsellor, psychotherapist, or trainee, this 25-hour short course will show you how to set up and provide safe and effective online counselling. It’ll teach you how to establish remote counselling via video and/or phone and how to navigate technology, data protection, and contracting challenges, as well as explore ethical practices, assess client suitability for online therapy, manage boundaries, work safely and foster inclusivity and diversity.

This is a non-credit bearing course.

Study (Part-time)

25 hours

Course cost


Support from WULF


OpenLearn free course

Being an OU student

The aim of this course is to help you get off to the best possible start on your journey with The Open University (OU). Students who invest a bit of time preparing for their studies are more likely to succeed, so taking time to do this course now will help in the long run.

Study (Part-time)

12 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Everyday maths 1 (Wales)

Have you ever noticed how often you need maths skills in everyday life? This free course is an introduction to Level 1 Essential Skills in maths that’s designed to inspire you to improve your current maths skills and help you to remember any areas that you may have forgotten.

Study (Part-time)

48 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Everyday English 1

Would you like to improve your current English skills or perhaps remember areas you may have forgotten? This free course serves as good preparation for studying the formal English Essential Skills Level 1, which is available in Wales.

Study (Part-time)

48 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Croeso: Beginners' Welsh

This free course, Croeso: Beginners' Welsh, is taken from Croeso, a beginners' language module that concentrates on Welsh as a tool for communication, but it also provides some insights into Welsh societies and cultures through printed and audio materials. 

Study (Part-time)

4 Hours

Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Hybrid working: wellbeing and inclusion

This course will explore what workplace wellbeing means in a hybrid working world – whose responsibility it is, the challenges involved in creating and maintaining it, and the benefits it brings to your organisation.

Study (Part-time)

12 Hours

Course cost


OpenLearn free course

So, you want to be a nurse? A brief introduction to nursing

This course provides an overview of what nursing entails. Focusing on nursing in the UK specifically, but also looking at its place globally, you will learn about the four fields of nursing in the UK, what nurse training involves, as well as what makes a great nurse.

Study (Part-time)

6 Hours

Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Leadership and followership

Leaders are all around us – we encounter them at work and in our spare time, we read about them in the press – but have you ever wondered what makes them good or bad at their role? You might be considering a leadership role as your next career step, or maybe you’re in a leadership position already and finding it difficult to move your team forward.

Study (Part-time)

24 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

This free course introduces you to the benefits and complexities of developing and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce. It explores the positive impact of diversity on staff wellbeing and innovation within an organisation, enhancing a company’s competitive advantage and aligning with its social responsibilities

Study (Part-time)

24 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Succeed in the workplace

Do you want to change jobs? Are you just starting in the job market? Are you returning to work after a break? If so, then this free course, Succeed in the workplace, is for you. It will help you explore career opportunities by starting from you, not the job - getting to know yourself and what you value are the foundations of your career planning

Study (Part-time)

24 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world

This free course will develop your confidence and skills for life online, whether study, work or everyday life. It explores a range of digital skills and practices, including digital identity, digital well-being, staying safe and legal, finding and using information and online tools, and dealing with information overload.

Study (Part-time)

24 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


OpenLearn free course

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online

This free online course will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.

Study (Part-time)

24 Hours

Gain a digital


Course cost


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Sut mae astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored yn gweithio?

Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o opsiynau sy’n eich galluogi i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch sgiliau, beth bynnag fo’ch nod wrth astudio. Os nad ydych yn barod i ymrwymo i radd, gallech ddechrau gyda thystysgrif neu ddiploma addysg uwch. Mae’r rhain yn gymwysterau a gaiff eu parchu yn eu rhinwedd eu hunain, ond maent hefyd yn eich galluogi i adeiladu eich astudiaethau yn raddol. Felly os byddwch yn dewis astudio gradd yn ddiweddarach, byddwch eisoes wedi gwneud rhywfaint o’r gwaith.Mae’n dda i chi os ydych am astudio

Gallwch hefyd ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch sgiliau gyda microgymhwyster, cwrs byr neu drwy astudio modiwl unigol.

Os oes gennych radd eisoes, efallai fod diddordeb gennych yn un o’n cymwysterau ôl-raddedig.

Ariannu eich astudiaethau

Ffioedd a chyllid yng Nghymru

Mae’n bosibl y bydd cymhwyster Y Brifysgol Agored yn fwy fforddiadwy nag y credwch. Yn yr adran hon, gallwch ddysgu faint y bydd eich cymhwyster yn ei gostio a sut i ariannu eich astudiaethau. Bydd ein Hadnodd Canfod Cyllid yn nodi opsiynau cyllid posibl sydd wedi eu teilwra i chi. Mae cymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored yn cynnwys cyfres o fodiwlau. Mae gan bob modiwl ffi unigol – o’u hadio gyda’i gilydd, maent yn rhoi cyfanswm y gost i chi. Byddwch yn ariannu eich modiwlau wrth i chi eu hastudio, sy’n golygu na fydd yn rhaid i chi dalu am eich cymhwyster cyfan ymlaen llaw.

Bydd p’un a ydych yn dewis astudio’n rhan-amser neu’n llawn amser yn effeithio ar faint mae’n ei gostio bob blwyddyn. Gyda ni, gallwch astudio’n hyblyg, sy’n golygu y gallwch newid rhwng dwyster rhan-amser a llawn amser trwy gydol eich astudiaethau. Mae llawer o opsiynau i ariannu eich astudiaeth yng Nghymru, o fenthyciad ffioedd dysgu, nawdd cyflogwr, ysgoloriaethau neu daliad uniongyrchol. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig bwrsarïau i gyn-filwyr anabl, pobl ifanc â phrofiad o fod mewn gofal, gofalwyr, y rhai sy’n nodi eu bod yn dod o gefndir Du neu bobl sydd wedi’u dadleoli o’u mamwlad. Efallai bod gennych radd yn barod, ac yn dymuno ailsgilio, felly gallech fod yn gymwys i gael benthyciad ffioedd dysgu a chymorth ar gyfer costau byw.

Cofrestrwch eich diddordeb yng Nghronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF)

Gellir ariannu microgymwysterau, cyrsiau byr a chyrsiau Mynediad drwy Gronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF). Mae gofynion cymhwystra yn berthnasol a bydd angen i chi gofrestru eich diddordeb yn gyntaf.

Atebion i’ch cwestiynau

Pa gyfarpar sydd ei angen arnaf i astudio un o gyrsiau'r Brifysgol Agored?

Mae cyrsiau’r Brifysgol Agored ar-lein. Bydd angen mynediad rheolaidd arnoch at liniadur neu gyfrifiadur bwrdd gwaith er mwyn astudio. Mae dyfeisiau symudol fel llechi neu ffonau clyfar yn ddefnyddiol, ond gall fod yn anodd ymgysylltu’n llawn â’r cwrs gan ddefnyddio’r rhain yn unig. Gallech gael mynediad at gyfrifiadur bwrdd gwaith am ddim yn eich llyfrgell leol, neu efallai fod gennych ystafell ddysgu yn eich gweithle.

Beth yw modiwlau, credydau a chymwysterau?

Modiwl yw bloc adeiladu sylfaenol astudiaethau’r Brifysgol Agored. Mae’n cymryd 9 mis i gwblhau modiwlau fel arfer. Pan fyddwch yn cwblhau modiwl yn llwyddiannus, byddwch yn ennill credydau.

Gallwch astudio modiwl ar ei ben ei hun, neu gallwch astudio sawl modiwl er mwyn gweithio tuag at gymhwyster a gydnabyddir yn genedlaethol fel tystysgrif, diploma neu radd.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am fodiwlau, cymwysterau a chredydau, ewch i wefan Y Brifysgol Agored.

Sut y caiff modiwlau'r Brifysgol Agored eu haddysgu?

Caiff tiwtor ei neilltuo i chi a fydd yn eich tywys drwy eich astudiaethau. Caiff modiwlau eu haddysgu’n gyfan gwbl drwy astudiaethau ar-lein, neu drwy gyfuniad o adnoddau ar-lein a deunyddiau argraffedig. Caiff y rhan fwyaf o diwtorialau eu cyflwyno ar-lein, felly byddwch yn gallu ymuno o unrhyw le y gallwch gysylltu â’r rhyngrwyd.

A fyddaf yn mynd i ddarlithoedd? A gaiff unrhyw ran ei chyflwyno wyneb yn wyneb

Gan mai prifysgol dysgu o bell yw’r Brifysgol Agored, ni fydd angen i chi fynd i ddarlithoedd traddodiadol. Byddwch yn gwneud y rhan fwyaf o’ch astudio drwy wefan eich modiwl a gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau cwrs. Gall rhai modiwlau gynnig y cyfle i chi gymryd rhan mewn teithiau maes neu ei gwneud yn ofynnol i chi fynd i ysgol breswyl. Bydd disgrifiadau’r modiwlau yn dweud mwy wrthych.

Sut gallaf gael gafael ar fy neunyddiau cwrs?

Bydd eich deunyddiau cwrs yn unigryw i’r modiwlau y byddwch yn eu hastudio – gallai’r rhain fod ar-lein yn unig, neu’n gyfuniad o ddeunyddiau ar-lein a deunyddiau argraffedig. Bydd modd cael gafael ar unrhyw ddeunyddiau ar-lein drwy wefan eich modiwl ac, os bydd gan eich modiwl ddeunyddiau argraffedig, byddwch yn gallu lawrlwytho copïau electronig fel arfer.

Os bydd angen i chi gael deunyddiau eich modiwl mewn fformat hygyrch neu fformat arall, cofiwch roi gwybod i ni mewn da bryd cyn i’ch modiwl ddechrau. Os hoffech wybod mwy am hygyrchedd yn Y Brifysgol Agored, ewch i’r wefan cymorth anabledd.

Pa mor hygyrch yw eich cyrsiau?

Rydym yn sicrhau bod holl gymwysterau’r Brifysgol Agored mor hygyrch â phosibl gydag ystod gynhwysfawr o wasanaethau i gefnogi holl fyfyrwyr Y Brifysgol Agored. I gael gwybodaeth fanylach, darllenwch y Datganiadau Hygyrchedd ar ddisgrifiadau cyrsiau unigol. I gael trosolwg, edrychwch ar Hygyrchedd yn Y Brifysgol Agored.